
After all, they’re called Domestic Ferrets!

Open Email to Senator Kamala Harris

Dear Senator Harris,

Congratulations on your announcement to run for President. I watched your interview on CNN with interest.

I must admit, a certain amount of discomfort hit me. Although I admire your determination and the fire that burns in you, I fear you are missing a large part of the puzzle.

California is the center of anti-Trumpism. And for many of us everything Trump is revolting. But for a lot of people Trump stands for the forgotten. You can’t call these people “baskets of deplorables” and just forget about them. They have a legitimate feeling of frustration for having been over looked for quite some time.

I represent a group of people who are also forgotten or ignored. California ferret owners.

Every two years we watch people get elected to the California legislature, we reach out to them and we hope one of the 120 people will listen to us.

And as the period to introduce legislation fast approaches, we have not been able to meet with any of them.  We aren’t the powerful interest groups that get attention – all we get is ignored.

Meanwhile the better-connected special interest take legislators to far off and exotic destinations, ply them with luxuries and discuss legislation. (please see

You are a Californian. You have the influence to say to your friends in the California legislature “give those ferret people ten minutes of your time.”

If you mean the words below – please show us some action, not just the same words we hear from so many candidates who we support only to have them ignore us, not return phone calls or emails after they are elected.

“Justice. Decency. Equality. Freedom. Democracy. These aren’t just words. They’re the values we as Americans cherish. And they’re all on the line now,” Harris said in the video, teasing her official kickoff in her birthplace of Oakland next Sunday.

Thank you,

Pat Wright
619-303-0645 or cell 619-757-7426

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